3lbsBeef Briskethave your butcher cut the fat cap off of the beef brisket
14ozCranberry Sauceone can
1CupBone Brothor any broth
3TbspTomato Paste
Kosher salt and ground pepperto taste
Using a sharp knife, carefully trim off any excess or lose pieces of meat. Generously rub the brisket with salt and pepper.
Place the brisket into the bottom of the cooker. In a small bowl, combine half the cranberry sauce, broth and tomato paste. Pour this mixture over the brisket.
Cover and cook on low for 8-10 hours until fork-tender that it falls apart.
Once finished cooking, remove the beef from the pot and use 2 forks to pull it apart.
Add the pulled beef back into the cooking liquid together with remaining cranberry sauce, mixing well to combine.
If needed refrigerate the beef for up to 3 days. Reheat the beef just before serving and enjoy!
Please keep in mind that the nutritional information is calculated using a nutrition facts calculator. It is a rough estimate and can vary greatly based on products used.